Implementation and application of all construction chemicals products according to the principles of industry and Instructions and technical specifications for companies producing the highest quality and with a guarantee through a certified team of engineers and technicians in the company who has high experience and continuous training programs. Through certified contractor certificates from the producing companies.

Treatment of all types of bulkheads and casting joints for tanks and facilities concrete using strips of sealant, rubber tape, and expansion tape

Specialized epoxy paint works for floors and walls, whether paints or self-leveling mortar, or heavy-duty flooring mortar (resisting acid or alkali chemicals, treatment of concrete and metal tanks, floors of factories, hospitals, and laboratories).

Treatment and isolation of water facilities and water-retaining buildings (drinking water purification plants, wastewater treatment plants, and swimming pools).

Treatment, isolation, and lining of metal and concrete tanks for chemical materials (acids, alkalis, petroleum products)

Restoration works of concrete facilities using the latest mechanical equipment (concrete cannon, injection machines) and designing the finest concrete mixtures treated with chemicals of building materials to suit all sectors of reinforcement and restoration of concrete facilities.

Insulation and lining of water tanks and installations using PVC and high-density polyethylene sheets.

Sandblasting works for metal and concrete structures to apply epoxy or cement insulation and treatment systems.

Cold sandblasting works with water and sand to implement the systems of the dams, to protect the places where sparks are prohibited.

Lining and thermal insulation work using rock wool and packaging using aluminum strips for pipes and thermal furnaces

Lining and cold insulation works using Armaflex material to isolate pipes and equipment.

Sound insulation works using rock wool and Armafix.

Mechanical injection works of epoxy mortar and cement grout to restore concrete structures to treat cracks and concrete nesting in metal structures.

Maintenance and installation work for filter units and lanterns with filters for drinking water purification plants.
